랠리즈(Rallyz) – 간편한 학원생활 플랫폼

by Baecomm IT Developer



A simple school life platform, RallyzSchool notice notification, attendance management, cumulative management of grades and learning evaluation,Simple payment for school fees, chatting for our class, and even video lectures!Start a differentiated experience where all school life is managed by the app■ Real-time school news notificationNotice/Attendance/Grades/Bills, etc.If the academy posts news that you want to share with parents/students,All school news is sent as a real-time notification■ Communication by classClass announcements, progress/tasks, class material sharing, class-only chat,Principal, teachers, parents, students allOur class communication is OK with just one rally!■ Cumulative management of individual learning statusProvide feedback on attendance history/grade status/learning by student!through accumulated learning data.Easy and convenient personalized learning care for each student!■ Invoice scheduling and easy paymentAutomatically send notifications when you set up an invoice at the school!No need to worry about forgetting the payment date or leaving school fees in the hands of the children.Payment of school fees is over with easy and convenient mobile payment!■ LIVE video lectureDid you feel uncomfortable in class with a video solution for conferences?Optimized for school classesTake classes without interruption with class-only video lectures!All functions are provided for free, so the cost burden is ZERO!Stability is UP with the collaboration of Woongjin ThinkBig X Naver Cloud!Now with RallyzStart a new school life with a different dimension!